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  • A Fusion of Power Semiconductors and Car Electronics Technology to Build an Automated TW115 Production Line

A Fusion of Power Semiconductors and Car Electronics Technology to Build an Automated TW115 Production Line

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Koji Yamazaki
Production Machine Engineer, Electronic Device Division Group
Having joined Shindengen in 2006, Koji Yamazaki became involved in the construction of manufacturing lines at a group company as a semiconductor production machines engineer. Over recent years, the scope of his work has extended beyond semiconductor products in the Electronic Device Division Group to include car electronics and magnetic components among other things, and his responsibilities also include the design of automated production lines.

Yasuhiro Ishii
Designer, Car Electronics Division Group
Yasuhiro Ishii joined Shindengen in 2005. He has mainly been responsible for the structural design of car electronics for automobiles, such as DC/DC converters. Currently, he leads the development of new structural designs as leader of the Structural Design Team for car power supply products.

While the population of the planet passed the eight billion mark in 2022, some countries, including Japan, are forecast to see their population halve by the year 2100, and problems including obstacles to business being caused by labor shortages are already coming to the fore in certain industries. In addition, labor costs are continuing to soar due to staff shortages and increases in the minimum wage. Against this backdrop, Shindengen is working on labor-saving measures and manufacturing that is undertaken in unity with production sites.

The Car Electronics Division Group commenced mass production of the TW115 DC/DC converter in 2023, and with a view to business expansion and in order to enhance cost competitiveness and increase production capacity, it has worked with the Car Electronics Division Group on the construction of an automated production line.

The members of the two different business division groups that had previously only been responsible for their own work joined forces to put together a project, and focused their efforts on the development of a new product.

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Work towards building an automated production line starts with the coming together of Car Electronics and Electronic Devices

Ishii: When the decision was made to develop a new DC/DC converter to grow our automotive products business, as a member of the Design Department I looked into the specifications on the basis of a market survey. The decision was made to develop a cost-competitive product for the purpose of business growth, and from the perspective of production capacity on production sites, to launch it using labor-saving automated lines.
We initially looked into building the line in consultation with external businesses, but given the large scale of investment that would be needed, we ended up speaking to the Production Machine Technology Department that designs and develops production facilities in the Electronic Device Division Group.

Yamazaki: The project got underway from the start of 2021 with us working together with the Car Electronics Division Group. I’ve thus far been responsible for things like the design of production facilities for the power semiconductors that are developed in the Electronic Device Division Group, so this was my first experience of being involved in the construction of a production line for a car electronics product. There are more processes than there are for semiconductors and the scale of the production line is on a different level. In this project, I was involved from before the completion of product design, and starting to look into the production facilities while the specifications had still not been firmed up was something that I had no real track record of. I was quite puzzled at first.

  • Person in charge of TW115

Overcoming an uncertain start through close cooperation

  • Person in charge of TW115

Ishii: The construction of an automated production line takes time, so we took the investigation into production facilities forward in parallel with the product design work. I had very little experience of investigating facility design while the design of a product still had not been finalized, and so I wondered what kind of information I should provide to Koji and the other members of the facilities investigation team and at what time so that they might be able to take their investigations forward. It was a matter of feeling things out at first, but the fact that the environment was one that enabled you to quickly have a meeting if you noticed anything was very helpful.

Yamazaki: In almost all cases, an investigation into production facilities for semiconductors starts when product design is complete. While it is easy to proceed with work at this stage because everything has been put into drawings, specification changes to fit with requests from the facilities side are difficult, and as a result, in some cases it takes a toll on the facilities side. With the TW115, the product design still wasn’t firmed up, but based on information from Car Electronics about which stage things had progressed to and which parts had been firmed up, we were able to take the design of the facilities forward. Even when components that we hadn’t initially expected were added, the fact that we had left some leeway in the design based on the information we’d received in advance bore fruit, and we were able to alter our trajectory with no major modifications.
Thanks to the fact that we were able to start our investigation before the specifications were finalized, we didn’t have to force specifications onto facilities and we were also able to discuss specification changes to fit the automatic machinery.

One day, after approximately five months had past since the start of the project, additional requests came in from the customer, and we needed to rethink the whole production layout from scratch.

Yamazaki: We were faced with a situation where we had no choice but to do a massive rethink despite a fast-approaching deadline, but we had a setup that enabled such information to be shared in a timely manner, so we were determined to get it done.

Ishii: When you place an order with an external party for facilities, in some ways you simply have no choice but to control the information you share and when you share it, and this also has some significance in terms of avoiding confusion. Especially when it comes to uncertain information, in some cases you have to sit on it until everything is finalized.
But the development of TW115 was carried out by interactions between internal parties, so we were able to share information without hiding anything. There were even some cases where Car Electronics saw some specification changes as being quite significant issues, but on the facilities side there wasn’t actually much impact. We were able to sort the issues into order of magnitude and allocate resources to the ones we needed to concentrate on.

A problem surfaces not long before production is to start, but great teamwork overcomes it

In October 2022, the start of mass production in the spring of 2023 was just around the corner. After finishing shipments for customer events, internally both the Car Electronics and Electronic Device were putting in place a structure for mass production when an unforeseen problem occurred.

  • TW115 automated production line
    TW115 automated production line

Ishii: When we were checking the laser welding process that had been newly introduced, we found that the laser went in a direction that we had never thought it would, and this resulted in a part that must not be irradiated being struck by the laser. This was already at the stage where we were manufacturing samples before the start of mass production, so it would be a significant inconvenience for the customer if we had to rethink the specifications. The facilities were already complete but this was not something that could be resolved by the design side alone, and so, clutching at straws, I ended up contacting Koji to work out what measures to take.

Yamazaki: The facilities side was just performing the final checks for setup on the production site, but when Yasuhiro contacted me I immediately started working on measures. Fortunately we still had time to modify the facilities, but we were aware that we simply had to resolve this issue with the teamwork we had built up to that point.

Final process check complete. Towards a new stage for manufacturing

Those on the design side and on the facilities side worked with each other and shared their knowledge to overcome the issues they had discovered and complete the verification, and two months later the preparations for production had been completed successfully.

Ishii: COVID-19 was happening at the same time and we almost gave up during development, but thanks to the support we got from the Electronic Device Division Group among other things, we were able to see it through to the end. The knowledge we gained in this development has been shared as guidelines within the Car Electronics Division Group, and we have ensured that it is available for use in the development of products to be manufactured on a labor-saving production line going forward.

Yamazaki: As soon as the line for TW115 production got underway, we immediately started receiving ideas for improvement from those on the site. We are now working to incorporate each idea one by one. There have already been moves towards the development of a new model, and the Design Department and Production Engineering Department have already discussed things together on the production site. They have compiled the resulting opinions in order to prevent trouble in areas where it might occur and take forward development with an awareness of simplicity and stable quality in manufacturing.

  • Person in charge of TW115

Editor's postscript

Shindengen has three businesses: the Car Electronics Division Group, the Electronic Device Division Group, and the Energy Systems & Solutions Division, and each one has its own development style and way of taking things forward. The development of the TW115 was an amalgamation of the technological capabilities of Shindengen, and the use of an online communication tool that was introduced on a companywide basis after COVID-19 hit in the development process led to a fusion of the unique characteristics of the Car Electronics and Electronic Device division groups for which they were given a special award under the Shindengen Group’s award system. The developers already have their focus fixed on the next stage, and it is hoped that they will go on to create even more advanced products.

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The information on this page is current as of August 2024. Please note that the information may have changed by the time you view it.

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